List and find reports

List and find reports

On the main menu select the Report option and then select “Reports list”

The reports list will be shown on the view as a table, where the columns are:

Report Name: This is the title of the report and on the left, it has an icon that symbolizes the report type. By selecting the report name, the report will be displayed.

Description: This is the text that briefly explains what the report is about.

Tags: these are descriptor to group or help to find easier the reports.

Action: This field can show either one or 3 icons, if the report is created by another user of the account and shared, it will only show the dashboard icon. Otherwise, all the 3 icons will be shown.

  1. The first is the dashboard icon, at the beginning this icon is blue, when you select it, it will turn red meaning that the report has been added to your dashboard. If you select the dashboard icon when is red it will be turned blue again and the report will be removed from your dashboard.
  2. The second one is the edit icon, by selecting this you will be able to fully edit the report.
  3. And the third icon is the delete, by selecting this one the report will be deleted. Despite the report is deleted the records will remain in the system.

You can reduce the number of the listed reports by unchecking the option “Show Shared Reports”. By doing this only the reports created by you will be shown.

In this view, you can see the report showing the information and you can also use the report tools.

On the left upper corner, next to the name, is a pencil icon. By selecting it you will be able to fully edit the report.

On the right upper corner, you will find 3 icons. The first is the dashboard icon, at the beginning this icon is blue, when you select it, it will turn red meaning that the report has been added to your dashboard. If you select the dashboard icon when is red it will be turned blue again and the report will be removed from your dashboard.

The second icon is the share icon. By selecting this icon, you will be able to share the report outside of your account. This tool will provide you with a public link that can be accessed by anyone you give it making your report a public report.

When you select the share icon a dialogue popup giving you the option to share the report link by email, copy it to the clipboard or just select it manually. There is also an icon with a trashcan to remove the public link and make this report private again.


The third icon of this group, the one with the trashcan is for delete the report.


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