SL900 Sensors Cable Probe

SL900 Sensors Cable Probe

SL900 Sensors Cable Probe

This cable probe is meant to be used in the calibration process where one or more sensors must be calibrated simultaneously, and the readings update period must be as short as possible.

To acquire this cable probe, please contact us.

Please install the reading software first.

The software has a self-signed certificate, so is possible that at the installation time, the antivirus and the Windows system will prompt to continue despite this security issue. So to install and use the software, an exception must be made.

Once the software is installed, to connect the probe to the sensor, first remove the top lid, then remove the batteries and connect the probe as shown in the following image.

Then connect the probe to the computer USB port. Connect all the sensors before continuing.

Open the SL900CAL app. To add a new connected device to the console follow the next steps:

  1. 1 From the main menu, select “Dispositivos”
  2. 2 Select “Agregar”
  3. 3 From the combo box select the COM port where the device is connected.
  4. 4 Select “Seleccionar puerto”.
  5. 5 When a new USB cable is connected at this step of the process, or if the COM port is not listed, select “Refrecar lista de puerto” to search for more COM ports and add them to the list.

Once the COM port is selected, a new monitor window is created.

  1. 1 From the combo box select the sensor type.
  2. 2 Once the sensor type is selected, the “Abrir Puerto” button will be enabled. Select it to start the communication with the sensor. After a few seconds, the readings will be shown.



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